Proposal 20
Droposal 1 WeCast
16 votes
Current threshold
Apr, 4, 2023
8:57:11 PM GMT +0:00
Taken at block


A "Droposal" is a Proposal that when successfully voted on mints an NFT for sale. This means the DAO has the provenance or minter address. This is an NFT minted by Purple in collaboration with an artist. It is also typical to have a splits contract so that sales support both the DAO and the artist.

Here is an example of the first Nouns Droposal.

This Proposal is for Purple’s first Droposal in collaboration with artist and Farcaster, ChrisCoCreated.

The Details

The NFT is a Farcaster community artwork, minted by Purple with a 50/50 income split between Purple and the artist, ChrisCoCreated using a Splits Contract. It also Airdrops a Purple token on the artist, so that our collaborator becomes a DAO Member. It makes ccarella.eth the administrator on Zora for this artwork, enabling him to make any changes necessary, including updating the metadata to display the final artwork.

The Art

The artwork is a representation of the Farcaster Arch made out of the pfps of the most recent 1941 people who have made a cast. This is currently everyone who sent a cast in the last 7 days. The art will be a snapshot in time of the active Farcaster community and will be created at the time this Proposal is executed.

The Website

Along with the artwork there will be a dynamically updating website created by ChrisCoCreated showing the arch with the most recent 1941 casters.

The Transaction

  • Mint the NFT as a 7 day open edition for 0.027 ETH
  • Makes ccarella.eth the admin of the Zora contract for updates, including updating the metadata with the image created at Proposal execution.
  • Proceeds from the NFT go into this Splits Contract which then gives 50% to Purple & 50% of to ChrisCoCreated
  • Airdrops 1 Purple Token on ChrisCoCreated

A Representation of Artwork

The Artwork will be created using the most recent 1941 casters at the time the Proposal is executed. The image below is a reference of what it will look like.

About ChrisCoCreated

Community artist cocreating towards a more open, curious and playful web3.

Artist Statement

I aim to be a Philosopher Builder; creating experiences to help us live truly and happily:

  • That are playful, open, curious, connected.
  • That nourish us and those we share this life with.
  • That build our mental wealth.
  • That are as concerned with the process and the experience as the outcome.
  • That are experimental, knowing that there is always something to be learned.
  • That are beautiful.
  • That create the conditions for joy and love and laughter.
Proposed Transactions