Proposal 46
Purple co-sponsors ETH Lisbon Farcaster Meetup
36 votes
Current threshold
Oct, 31, 2023
8:51:59 PM GMT +0:00
Taken at block


This proposal funds the sponsorship of the Farcaster Meetup occuring at ETH Lisbon. The meetup will be held at Cerveja Canil Marques who offered us the space for free. We will be co-hosting with Public Good IPA, an Open Source beer that was recently funded by Nouns. This event is co-hosted by @ccarella.eth (Purple, CharmVerse), @annoushka.eth (Purple, Interface) and @favioseva.eth (Public Good IPA, participating in ETH Lisbon hackathon).

The requested budget for this event is 0.5 ETH.


ETH Lisbon is an Ethereum-focused hackathon bringing together the best Web3 builders to the crypto capital of Europe. It is a three-day event where developers can compete to build innovative projects using the Ethereum blockchain. The event is also home to a summit with talks and workshops from leading experts in the Ethereum ecosystem.

ETH Lisbon is organized by ETHGlobal, a non-profit organization that supports the growth of the Ethereum ecosystem. ETHGlobal has hosted hackathons in over 30 cities around the world, and ETH Lisbon is one of their most anticipated events of the year.

Farcaster is one of the leading Decentralised Social Web projects in the world with an ever-growing and vibrant community with a deep passion and dedication for evolving the future of the web.

The ETH Lisbon Farcaster Meetup is a community event and a short social break for the teams participating in the Hackathon, who can meet and be surrounded by the energy of other Farcaster builders. It's also intended to showcase all the amazing builders on Farcaster to hackathon participants who have yet to join Farcaster. RSVP on Luma and join us!

Local Co-hosts

@annoushka.eth & @favioseva.eth live in Lisbon and have been working with the on the ground logistics. Additionally, @favioseva.eth is participating in the Hackathon. Finally, @favioseva.eth recently hosted an event at Cerveja Canil Marques for Polygon.

Event Schedule

16:00 - Reception

17:00 - Finger Food

18:00 - Band Interval

19:00 - Acknowledgement and Giveways

19:00 - End


We’re proposing Purple cover 0.5 ETH of a total 1 ETH budget for this event. Public Goods IPA will cover the remaining 0.5 ETH.

We’ve calculated the costs as follows:

  • Drinks & Food: $800
  • Photographer & Videographer: $200
  • Pins, stickers, Nouns Glasses: $100

Total: $1100

1 ETH at current prices is valued at around $1750. In case of any leftover funds following event expenses, we intend to send them back to the DAO. With the recent volatility of ETH we want to have a little protection.


A new ⅔ multisig has been created for this proposal:


The multisig members, who are the meetup organizers have agreed to approve/deny reimbursements on behalf of the DAO.




Proposed Transactions