Proposal 15
Mint House Compensation with Fit and Finish
11 votes
Current threshold
Apr, 16, 2023
5:58:23 PM GMT +0:00
Taken at block

Proposal by:

  • KD - heykd.eth
  • Meek - msaki.eth


Mint House (working name) has hit v0 and seeks retroactive funding + a speculative amount for fit and finish to the PA ecosystem. This project endeavors to explore the creation of reusable tooling for Assembly Press curation.

Demo build (updating regularly):


Mint House is a “batteries included” showroom environment to channel curation contracts created via Assembly Press. The goal is to create a space that will aggregate all assets automatically from anyone’s own deployment of an Assembly Press contract (so long as they use the correct address in environment variables.)

This is designed to work in concert with a number of other Blog Era endeavors around Assembly Press. Long term this will also leverage PA tooling like Mutual and be available to Flexible DAO interfaces to create independent but connected spaces by PA and other onchain entities.

Supported listing types on release will be any ERC721/ERC1155 contract on Mainnet/Goerli (with Optimism to follow -- and chain support only limited to where AP is deployed). More contract primitives (ex: wallet addresses) to come in future iterations.

Ask Details

The majority of the work for v0 has reached its necessary conclusion and an earlier draft of this proposal was circulated, but submission of that initial proposal version was left for more consideration while the project found more context in the midst of several other parallel workflows beginning to take shape and coalesce around an emergent design space.

This proposal requests retroactive funding for existing work:

  • Layout design & stack implementation, indexer logic, minting logic
  • Build site to spec, debug, UX improvements
  • Component refactor, search implementation Transfer to Alchemy, custom hooks, move to single env variable ability for reuse

And an additional smaller segment of work that is plugging v0 into the aforementioned emergent whole. This includes:

  • Turning repo into deployable package via Vercel wizard
  • Universal config + env variables to spec
  • Leveraging as much PA ecosystem in the project as currently available


PA is exploring a composable ecosystem for communities and creative technologists. Mint House has evolved into a building block of that exploration. Its funding would officially activate treasury allocations to non-founding members.

This creates an early use case for more involvement in creating and testing the network and proliferating the PA mission of inventive and approachable tools. In the future this ecosystem could drive curation fees, social graphs, and modular data hubs.

Within PA’s own usage of such tools like Mint House, successful curation and amplification of outside projects also brings much goodwill towards the organization. This work has already started numerous conversations with like minded groups and invites numerous collaboration opportunities both at the protocol and consumer level.


Currently 95% completed. ETD for the final phase is 17th of April, 2023.


1.3 ETH total for the following

1.08 ETH for the work already done:

  • 80 hours total split between KD (60) and Meek (20)
  • 1.08 ETH * $1900 (est) = $2052
  • 2052 / 80 = $25.65/hr for both contributors

0.22 ETH for the work to be completed:

  • Specifically on creating reusability and PA modularity
  • .22 ETH * $1900 (est) = $418
  • To be split evenly between both contributors
Proposed Transactions