Proposal 65
Portion Club DAO Petty Fest 2
26 votes
Current threshold
Aug, 2, 2023
5:32:47 AM GMT +0:00
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tl:dr: Fund a web3 adjacent Music Festival that promotes the real value of builder and nounish dao's, in collaboration with Petty Fest DAO local art collective.

Summary: Portion Club DAO looks to throw its second official Petty Festival, with hopes of building a bridge between the URL & IRL communities. The festival itself will be booked and handled by PC DAO members, while also other members will be preforming and displaying 3D and AR art during the event. The goal is to take whats being built onchain and bring it to a space familiar and enjoyed by all, introducing new faces to the DAO ecosystem while also accomplishing the core values of PC DAO, at a time where SF/Bay area needs a positive boost of cultural value. The entire event will be geared towards tastefully introducing individuals to the capabilities of a Nounish DAO. The icing on the cake, a builder themed carnival esc dunk tank that will allow on chain and irl purchases to make attempts to dunk Portion Club DAO members, the entire event will be filmed photographed and used as a positive beacon towards our Builder DAO ecosyetm

Who: Portion Club DAO (SF Bay Area arts collective and oncahin collaboration) What: An all day festival with web3 information and art found throughout, headliner and DJ after hours party When: August 19th-August 20th, 2023 Where: SF Bay Area. Why: To celebrate and parade Portion Club DAO and Builder as your friendly neighborhood DAO, prepared to onboard and facilitate web3 adjacent events, and also highlighting the capabilities of Nounish DAO's in the public eye

Funding Request: 4 ETH

Portion Club DAO is seeking an additional funding to help with venue costs, event staff, and digital exhibition displays. We have extensive experience executing similar events in the past at a high level.

For a full breakdown of the event, and additional imagery, please visit our public deck.

The event is chance to showcase digital art and music backed by NFTs within DAO's supported by our ecosystem. This mission not only helps celebrate and uplift artists, it reinforces the importance and power of NFTs and Ethereum.

Northstar Check

Builder DAO is dedicated to the creation and development of free and accessible DAO infrastructure as a public good.

Portion Club and Builder DAO are natural partners. They are both Nounish DAO's, that share a common vision for the future of the Web, albeit from different angles. Buildr DAO focuses on easing the path for those who want to build on Web3 by creating quality learning materials. Portion Club DAO, on the other hand, is all about managing and connecting creative members to the digital art scene in the web3 space, by supporting Portion Club DAO, Builder DAO can contribute to the integration of art and culture into Web3 in the SF/Bay Area, while simultaneously reaching a diverse group of creators who might need Buildr DAO's resources. This partnership can help the entire web3 community flourish, as it brings together builders and artists under a common goal.

Portion Club DAO focuses on creating experiences that bring together emerging talent and established figures in the space, connecting local artists and collectives to an international audience, while bringing the coolest of the underground to the world of web 3 events.

Portion Club's mission of connecting emerging talents and established artists to an international audience dovetails with Builder DAO's goal of fostering an inclusive and collaborative Web 3 community. By creating unique experiences that amalgamate the traditional art world with the underground, Portion Club opens new pathways for creative exploration in the Web 3 space. These experiences, in turn, inspire new perspectives and innovative solutions that align with Builder DAO's vision of driving step-change improvements through technology. This fusion of art and technology not only broadens the Web 3 narrative but also cultivates a diverse ecosystem where creators and builders coexist and collaborate.

Portion has created on and off chain such as: The First Generative Album on Chain One of the first traditionally modeled web3 mixtapes on ZORA Petty Fest 22' Scoops Web3 Ice Cream Social onboarding events Clicked (a web3 event in the east bay) Portion Club members gallery shows Participation in NFT/Zoratopia Oakland Participation in FWB Fest 22'/23'

Treasury Impact

Portion Club is requesting 4 eth which is currently .68% of the Builder Treasury.


Our Team is widely known through the web3 and IRL community of being trustworthy, reliable buldrs. Founding members like Taifa Nia, Studio_Dad, "Ricky Lake", & "Wables" all have a history of being public figures who are responsible for activations, creative projects, and large scale events.

Transparency: We hope to receive funds to help pay for the event not because we don't believe it will be successful, but because we look to seek support from our DAO ecosystem the same way we have supported it in return, this prop will provide hope, belief, and tangibility for our DAO and the entire Nouns/Builder space as people will be able to attach it to trustworthy faces both on and off the chain.


Builder to release a one time payment of 4 eth to BuilderDao at the address 0x162421A61c5d40ffe3bC6D5EF546C00de4f49830 (Portion Club Treasury @Nouns)

Proposed Transactions