Proposal 40
iOS Widgets for all Nounish DAOs
13 votes
Current threshold
Mar, 29, 2023
12:16:47 PM GMT +0:00
Taken at block


We propose expanding the successful Nouns Widgets to all DAOs created using the Builder tool. These widgets provide critical auction and governance data in a compact format, accessible right from users’ home screens. The expansion will offer various widget types, tailored for each DAO, and customizable notifications. Developed by NG, who has experience in the Nouns ecosystem, the project requires 15 ETH in funding to cover development, support, and infrastructure costs for one year.


Nouns Widgets have seen a success within NounsDAO, with many members using it to track proposals and auctions. They present the most critical data in a compact and easy-to-digest format helping holders always stay on track with the DAO. With them, you don’t need to open websites/applications to see the progress of auctions and proposals, as you can easily see this information right from your home screen.

Example screen showing how it looks with NounsDAO example:


With these widgets, you can see the currently auctioned noun, the current bid and how much time is left till the auction ends. You also see all the latest proposals and voting results for each. Following the success within NounsDAO, I propose expanding the widgets support to all DAOs created using the Builder tool so all members, no matter the DAO size and funding rate, can access great tools helping them with governance and auction life. I additionally reached out to BLVKHVND, Purple, mferbuilderDAO, XNouns, and Lil Toadz communities to see if they would be interested in these widgets and which they prefer. Here is the feedback I received: link to the photo with replies compilation.


Note: All provided designs are preliminary and will change in the future. Users will have access to the website where they can search for DAOs they have joined or want to join. Additionally, it will contain a list of all DAO so people can look through it. They can also connect their wallet to access all joined DAOs easily.


When the user selects the DAO, he’ll be presented with all the available widgets tailored for this particular DAO. The last step is to choose the DAO and follow the installation steps.


Types of widgets:

All users will get access to the following types of widgets:

Art. View the currently auctioned artwork. Small and big-sized widgets.


Auction. View the current state of the auction, the auctioned artwork and the time left. Small widget.


Auction and Governance. View current auction state and proposals. Medium and Big sizes widgets supported. When adding Big sized widget, proposals are shown with more details.





Governace. View pending and active proposals. Medium and Big sized widgets.


Lock Screen. View the current auction state and the number of active proposals from your lock screen.



Additionally, with all widgets, users will be able to set up notifications: On auction ending. Get notified 5 minutes before the auction end. Only notifications before the auction enters the “can be extended” state can be used. For proposals. Users will be able to get reminded when the proposal goes to the “Voting” state or before voting closure(can set custom time before the voting period ends).


NG. I worked on many projects in the Nouns ecosystem. The latest include Nouns Widgets and Animate Nouns. I created experimental Fomo iOS and Android mobile apps and worked on the Fomo web app. More projects can be found here.


The requested funding is 15 ETH with one-year coverage for support and infrastructure costs. The funding will be used to expand the current systems to support all DAOs created with the Builder tooling and further improve the ease of installation of widgets.

Proposed Transactions