Proposal 47
Better DAOs Need Better Bots
15 votes
Current threshold
Apr, 25, 2023
7:38:23 PM GMT +0:00
Taken at block


Fund BotFrens 18E to add key new features to the Builder and Nouns DAO bots that make it easier to engage the community through timely calls-to-action and stay informed on DAO activity as it happens.



BotFrens makes it easy for DAOs to publish auctions, votes, sales, and other events to Discord, Farcaster, and Twitter. With 500+ dev hours, BotFrens has integrated Builder contracts and launched bots for DAOs such as Builder, Purple, Toadz, XNouns, BLVKHVND, and many others.

Since the launch, we’ve been gathering feature suggestions from the Builder community (see below 👇. This proposal seeks funding to implement those features.

Key Points

We are NOT asking for retro funding! We have spent over 500 dev hours integrating Builder because of our commitment to this project. This proposal seeks funding for NEW features suggested by the Builder / Nouns communities.

  • Why? Our goal is to surface interesting data through fully-automated and configurable bot behaviors and increase engagement around auctions and proposals.

  • Who benefits? All existing and future Builder and Nounish DAOs.

  • Cost: 18Ξ (~230 developer hours + init infa setup + QA + support)

  • Timeline: The entire project will take around 6 weeks to complete, but users will be able to use new behaviors as soon as they are available.

  • Team’s credibility: We have a solid track record working with Nouns DAO, Purple DAO, Rarible DAO, Foundation marketplace and other key web3 projects. Our work is featured in WIRED, Observer, and Hyperallergic, to name a few. We are here for the long term and our incentives are aligned with Builder’s success.

  • Path to sustainability: BotFrens is a bootstrapped startup and our customers cover the cost of running their bots by paying ~ 0.015Ξ /month. This model puts BotFrens on a path to sustainability and incentivizes us to do the best possible work.

✨🤖 New Bot Features 🤘🌈

Call-to-Action Reminders for Auctions / Voting

Increase engagement by sharing timely reminders about ending auctions and proposal voting periods.

Post Examples

For proposals: Voting closes in 3 hours. Please vote!
For auctions: The auction ends in 15 minutes. Place your bid now.  

Template Config ✏️

Periods: 1 day, 1 hour, 20 minutes, 10 minutes
Template variables time_remaining
For auctions: token_id
For proposals: proposal_id

DAO Snapshot Summary

Provide a snapshot of the current state of the DAO. This behavior runs on a user-defined schedule.

Post Example

Builder DAO Snapshot

Total Members: 123
Voted within 30 days: 34
Total tokens: 435
Treasury: 589E ($1,058,402.59)
Latest auction: 0.363E
Active Proposals: 3

Template Config ✏️

Template variables: total_members, active_members,, token_count, treasury, treaury_usd, last_token_price

New: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Membership Summary

Welcome new users into the DAO. This behavior runs on a user-defined schedule.

Post Example

4 users joined the Builder DAO this week. Please join me in welcoming 



Template Config ✏️

Attach_image, members_count, members_list

Auction Settled - Context Follow up

Provide additional context on the latest DAO auction and who won it. This behavior runs automatically every time an auction is settled.

Post Example - New Members

We have a new DAO member! Welcome to the fam, newmember.eth. Here are some helpful links to get you started:

Discord Link 
Charmverse Link
Farcaster Link

Post Example - Existing Members

Existing member: existingmember.eth snagged another token. In addition to token 123, they also hold tokens 345, 567, 891.

Template Config ✏️

attach_image, token_id, existing_tokens, wallet

Treasury Activity

Real-time posts triggered by treasury deposits and withdrawals. This behavior runs automatically based on treasury activity.

Post Examples

16E was transferred from the Builder DAO treasury to thenounishprof.eth 
0.44E was just deposited into the Builder DAO treasury! The total treasury is 589E

Template Config ✏️

For deposits: amount, treasury_total
For withdrawals: amount, wallet, treasury_total

Treasury Snapshot

A summary of the weekly / monthly state of the treasury. This behavior runs on a user-defined schedule.

Post Example

In the last month, the Builder DAO treasury decreased by 10% or 100E
Deposits from Auctions: 45E
Withdrawals: 55E
Total: 1223E

Template Config ✏️

Template variables: deposits_total, widthdrawls_total, treasury_total, direction, percent_difference, total_difference

Active Proposal Vote Summary

Share a vote count for every active proposal. This behavior runs automatically every 3 votes.

Post Example

For: 14 (60%) 
Against: 9 (40%)
Abstain: 0 (0%)

Template Config ✏️

Variables: for_count, for_percent, against_count, against_percent, abstain_count, abstain_percent, attach_image

Active Proposal Threshold Reached

A notification when a threshold has been reached. Runs automatically.

Post Example

The voting threshold of 15 votes has been crossed!

Template Config ✏️

Variables: threshold

Improvement: Vote Reasons as Image

Users have expressed the desire to display vote reasons as images. This makes it easier to share / repost them. We are aware that Nokry is working on something similar for the Builder and we will probably collaborate on a generic image service.

Post Example - Not the final design image

Template Config ✏️

Variables: attach_image

Improvement: Vote Reasons in Template

Right now vote reasons are attached automatically and we’d love to give users an option of how to configure them.

Post Example

Botfrens.eth voted FOR prop 123
Reason: Love this prop

Template Config ✏️

Variable: reason

Improvement: Vote Formatting

Update YES / NO to FOR / AGAINST

Post Example

andreitr.eth voted AGAINST with 5 votes
botfrens.eth voted FOR with 2 votes 
jacob.eth voted ABSTAIN with 1 vote

Huge thanks to the Builder DAO and the Nouns DAO community members for suggesting new features and providing feedback on this proposal. To discuss this prop please join the Builder DAO Discord or reach out to the BotFrens team directly - Andrei Cody Jamie.

Proposed Transactions